Travel Ban Exemptions

Covid 19 : Since the outbrake of the Covid-19, we have recieved a number of enquires regarding how travel examptions are effecting people, and how ripple effects of lockdowns will effect the eligibility to get an Australian Visa. In some cases, we have enquiries where family members who are in Australia on a visitor visa, dont want to return home beacuase of the risks of Covid-19. So we are helping people to extend their visitor visas.

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In other situations we are seeing workers such as subclass 482 visa holders, working in a restaurant as a chef, concerned because if the restuarant closes down what impact that will have on visa holders ability to remain in Australia. If you have any questions at all, on how that may impact on the travel bans, exemptions, visa application or your eligibility to remain in Australia Contact Heenan and Browne beause we are here to help.


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