As the end of the financial year is fast approaching and the ACT Nomination program is getting closer to the end of the 2022-23 program year, there is no better time to provide an ACT Nomination processing update.
ACT government received its final allocation in December 2022: a total of 4,050 nomination places split evenly between the 491 and 190 visa subclasses. The increase in the allocated places resulted in increased invitation numbers over the last few months and this trend is expected to continue which is great news for those hoping to apply for ACT Nomination in the near future.
ACT Nomination update on Canberra matrix scores and invitations.
As per the update from the ACT Nomination processing office, up until Monday 17 April 2023:
ACT Nomination team still needs to process 1,488 nominations or just over 600 nominations a month. Applicants can therefore expect the number of invitations to increase, which will also likely result in lower minimum scores meriting an invitation. This means there are a few things prospective applicants may wish to consider:
Despite the above, the ACT Team advises that prospective applicants, particularly overseas residents, are still more likely to receive an invitation under the 491 pathway. The minimum Canberra Matrix score required to obtain an invitation to date has been 60, though the ACT Nomination team has invited applicants at 50 points for overseas applicants, certain priority occupations, and/or occupations which they have not had many successful applicants for to date. These scores are not fixed and may vary depending on occupation demand and the number of remaining places, Matrix submissions received, and migrants already nominated for that specific occupation.
ACT government advises that these scores are indicative only and no minimum scores are guaranteed. Depending on the number of Matrix submissions they receive (per occupation), the scores of those submissions, and the number of migrants they nominate (per occupation and by residency status), the scores above may increase or decrease.