In the final allocation of ACT Nomination places for 2022-2023, there has been a significant increase in the total of nomination places. The numbers spread as follows: 2,025 nomination places for the Skilled Nominated (190) visa subclass; 2,025 nomination places for the Skilled Work Regional (491) visa subclass, and only 10 nomination places for the Business Innovation and Investment Program. The allocation split of 491 and 190 is now equal, unlike the previous years. As the ACT Government advises, this will have an impact on the ACT Skilled Migration program settings. As a result, the ACT Nomination policy settings will be updated in early 2023.
The changes to the ACT Nomination Guidelines will take immediate effect once announced and current policy settings will cease immediately and will not be applied retroactively.
In the meantime, there are a few things to consider:
It is important to note that these scores are an indication only and no minimum scores are guaranteed. Depending on the number of Matrix submissions the ACT Nomination team receives (per occupation), the scores of those submissions, and the number of migrants ACT nominates (per occupation and by residency status), the scores above may go up or down.
Recently the minimum score for certain occupations has already been much lower than usual. Every month the ACT Nomination team assess the number of nominations per occupation to ensure a broad range of applicants is being invited. If an occupation is in a priority field and there are few Canberra Matrix submissions or nominations for it, the ACT team will consider lowering the minimum score for occupations on a case-by-case basis.
Book an appointment with one of our registered migration agents to start your ACT Nomination journey now.