Update for prospective migrants! The Department of Home Affairs has announced the permanent visa allocations for the 2024-2025 period. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Skilled Program
The Skilled Program has seen some adjustments in the planning levels across various visa categories:
– Employer-Sponsored: Increased from 36,825 to 44,000 places.
– Skilled Independent: Decreased from 30,375 to 16,900 places.
– Regional: Slight increase from 32,300 to 33,000 places.
– State/Territory Nominated: Increased from 30,400 to 33,000 places.
– Business Innovation & Investment: Reduced from 1,900 to 1,000 places.
– Global Talent (Independent): Reduced from 5,000 to 4,000 places.
– Distinguished Talent: Remains steady at 300 places.
Overall, the total allocation for the Skilled Program has decreased slightly from 137,100 to 132,200 places.
Family Program
The Family Program allocations remain unchanged for the 2024-2025 period:
– Partner: 40,500 places.
– Parent: 8,500 places.
– Child: 3,000 places.
– Other Family: 500 places.
The total for the Family Program stays consistent at 52,500 places.
Special Eligibility
Special Eligibility allocations have decreased from 400 to 300 places.
Total Migration Program
The total number of places in the migration program has been slightly reduced from 190,000 to 185,000.
Empowering Migrant and Refugee Women
The Government is committed to empowering migrant women through a $15.0 million investment over three years starting from 2024-25. This funding will support information and education activities to provide migrant workers with accurate and appropriate information about workplace safeguards, protections, and compliance measures related to migration laws. Additionally, $3.8 million over four years will continue to fund conversational English classes in Community Hubs, with on-site childminding facilities to help migrant women access these services.
Promoting TAFE and VET Pathways
The Government is also investing $4.4 million in 2024-25 to promote Vocational Education and Training (VET). This initiative aims to increase the proportion of skilled workers in Australia by driving demand for VET and Fee-Free TAFE courses, which are critical in meeting Australia’s future skills needs.
Stay updated with these significant changes and how they might impact your migration plans by visiting the News page on our website regularly. Heenan & Browne’s team of registered migration agents in Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns and across Australia is here to assist you in navigating these updates and achieving your migration goals. Book an appointment today.